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Security policy

The site uses Google Analytics - a tracking and web analytics program developed by Google, Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). Google Analytics uses cookies. Data about the use of the Site (including the IP address) generated by cookies are usually transmitted to and stored by Google servers. Google uses this information to evaluate the use of the Site,

3.1.2. Automatically transmitted to the Operator in the process of visiting and using the Site using the software installed on the user's device (information from cookie files), including: location information; the user's device type and screen resolution; type, version and language of the operating system installed on the user's device; the type, version and language of the browser (or other program used to access the Site); IP address; the address of the page from which the user went to the Site (referer), information about which pages the user opens and which buttons the user presses on the Site.

· Email address;

· Name;

3.1.1. They are provided by the user on the Site when filling out personal information input forms and may include the following information:

3.1. User data received and processed within the framework of this Policy are provided to the Operator in the following ways:
2.6. Cookies are small pieces of data sent by a web server and stored on the user's computer, which the web user or web browser sends to the web server in an HTTP request when trying to open a website page.

2.5. User is a person who has access to the Site via the Internet and uses the Site.

2.4. Processing of personal data - any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) carried out with the use of automation tools or without the use of such tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing) , extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

2.3. Personal data - any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or natural person (subject of personal data).

2.2. The site is a set of web pages placed on the Internet, united by a single address space of the domain. The start page of the Site, from which you can access all other web pages of the Site, is located on the Internet at the address

2.1. Operator - "Sef Digital" Limited Liability Company (65,000, Ukraine, Odesa Region, Odesa, Mykhailo Square, b.1);
1.9. The operator does not verify the authenticity of personal data provided by the user.

1.8. This Policy applies only to the site The operator does not control and is not responsible for the collection and processing of personal data by third parties, whose websites the user can go to via the links available on the website.

1.7. In case of disagreement with the terms of processing of personal data by the Operator, the user must stop using the Site.

· With the terms of processing his personal data contained in this Policy.

· for the processing of his personal data specified in Article 3 of this Policy for the purposes specified in Article 4 of this Policy;

1.6. Visiting and using the Site means the user's unconditional consent:

1.5. This Policy applies to all information that the Operator can obtain about the user, including when using the site

1.4. This Policy applies to any user information received by the Operator both before and after the approval of the Policy.

1.3. The policy defines the composition of received and processed personal data, the purposes of collecting and processing personal data, the procedure for storing and transferring personal data, as well as measures implemented by the Operator aimed at protecting personal data.

1.2. The policy was developed in order to implement the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of processing and protection of personal data and is aimed at ensuring the protection of the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen during the processing of his personal data by the Operator, including the protection of the right to inviolability of private life, personal and family secrets.

1.1. This document: "Policy regarding the processing and protection of personal data of users of the site" (hereinafter - the Policy) was developed in accordance with the Law of Ukraine dated 01.06.2010 No. 2297-VI "On the Protection of Personal Data" and is the main internal document of the Kapitonov FOP Maria Mykhailivna (hereinafter - the Operator), which regulates activities in the field of processing and protection of personal data.